what did you do?

Videography \ Creative Direction \ Concept Creation \ Social Media Strategy 



the briefing

Wielengids are masters of their own field, specialising in alloy wheels and rims for automobiles of all kinds. From us, they were looking for a way to express their expertise beyond their shop and website, by creating engaging and relatable social media content for their brand.


the execution

We wanted to add a human touch to Wienlengids’ work and do so by making lookbook style photos with models, ideal for sharing on social media and on their website. One of the more interactive concepts we created was to take a fully hands-on approach with their products, taking a car out for a spin and making multimedia content that shows their good work in action.


the result

The result is a new-look social media profile for Wielengids with a more refined target audience and house style. We create the main content for their socials, helping them to tell the story of their brand and allowing them to concentrate on the amazing service that they provide.